Friday, September 28, 2007

What is Apple thinking

Bricking modified iPhones. . . I am rapidly loosing faith in Apple. First the fact that they sold the iPhone locked at all bothered me but to see the extent to which they are going to keep it that way is disturbing.

They don't sell computers that will only run Apple software; don't they realize that the person who will plop down several hundred dollars for an iPhone is willing to do so because they see it as buying a computer, albeit one that makes cell phone calls. Even Apple TV ads recognize this fact. In my mind I will just skip the whole iPhone lock-unlock war and buy something else.

There are some nice phones that run versions of Linux, like the Motorola A780. I wish the battery life was better, but at least I can work with an open source community to address its shortcomings. That is the direction my money will follow.

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